The Adventures of Little Benny: Growing up in Labrador, is a children’s book that is all about the wonderful childhood Benny Powell had while growing up on the coast of Labrador.
Benny spent his winters in Charlottetown in Southern Labrador and shifting from there to Square Islands, thirteen miles east of Charlottetown, every summer from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Open the book and read stories that include the time he went cod jigging with his older brother, his first trip on the trapline with his father and going ice fishing with his mother.
You will laugh at the story of how he almost got a strapping for something he didn’t do. You will shiver at the frightening story of how he almost drowned.
The stories that Benny tells so well are beautifully illustrated with original paintings by Barry Pardy, an artist from Cartwright, Labrador.
Benny Powell today is a captain with Air Labrador and lives in Goose Bay with his family.
The Adventures of Little Benny is his second book. His first book, Tales from Labrador, was published by DRC in 2015.