Lukey’s Boat

Author: Robert Clarke



Lukey Normore lives an ordinary life in the small Newfoundland fishing community of Spoon Cove, Conception Bay.

Lukey is a fisherman who makes a living fishing with his father Sel and friend Si.

It’s the spring of the year and the three of them are busy preparing for the upcoming fishing season.

Come the fall they plan to go in the woods and cut the timber to build Lukey a new boat

Lukey’s boat will be ready for the water at the start of the next fishing season.
In the midst of all that is going on, Lukey meets and falls in love with a young woman who has come to teach in Quilty’s Cove, a small community not far from Spoon Cove.

Much to Lukey’s surprise the young lady also falls head over heels for him.

However, their journey together comes to an abrupt end when evil finds its way into their love story.